
Examining the role of CDFIs and Minority Depository Institutions

  Peachtree Providence Partners’ Founder Walter Davis was asked to testify before a U.S. House Small Business Committee Subcommittee’s hearing on Examining the role of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs) on May 18. In his remarks, which begin around the 36:00 minute mark, Walter shared...
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Dynamic Diversity: The Changing Look of N.C. Executive Power

At Peachtree Providence Partners, we’re committed to engaging the strengths and talents of all of our team members. To do that, diversity and inclusion must be fully embraced in our daily routines and operations. Thank you Business North Carolina for highlighting Walter Davis, Peachtree Providence Partners co-founder, and the contributions...
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Walter Davis Delivers Keynote Speech For The NMSDC Corporate Plus Summit

Peachtree Providence Partners founding member, Walter Davis, delivered the keynote address during the NMSDC Corporate Plus Summit on October 29, 2020. Corporate Plus is an unprecedented membership program for NMSDC-certified minority businesses of the highest caliber. This program was created to address corporate member requests for assistance in locating minority suppliers with...
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Walter Davis Shares the Benefits of Opportunity Zones During Opportunity Zone Summit in Nebraska

Peachtree Providence Partners founding member, Walter Davis, recently participated in Nebraska’s first Opportunity Zone Summit, hosted by the Nebraska Business Development Center, Small Business Administration and the Nebraska Department of Economic Development. During the event, Davis discussed the benefits of Opportunity Zones with Tony Goins, Director of Economic Development for...
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